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Timeout using the driver for Mitubishi RV2-FR robot

I don't think your current IP configuration and subnet mask allow communicating between the robot and the PC. You may be able to ping the robot. However, I believe the first 3 digits of the IPs should match (IP of the robot and the computer). 

Alternatively, you need to be more permissive with the subnet mask ( for example).
Thank you for your response. I will change that and get back to you with the results.
I've managed to run a program on robot. Turns out the previous way of connecting through the real time port was incorrect, because run on robot option is not real time when it comes to mitsubishi. Mitsubishi's real time uses UDP. Maybe it is working now, when i connect through port 10001 because you've updated the drivers. Another thing is that if you have a teaching pendant connected to the robot, you can't have the operation panel opened on it, because it disables the ability to control the robot from robodk. I assume that the pendant has priority over external control. 

To summarize, all I needed to do now was to set the ip address of the pc to be in the same network as the robot controller and not have the operation panel open on the teaching pendant to run a program on the robot. It didn't work before, but now it does. I assume it's due to the update of the driver.

However, I am still getting some errors now and then. Is there a time in which i need to send a command to a robot for it to run correctly? I have connected to RTToolbox 3 simulator and I've tried to run a program on two robots. One is performing a set of moves and after that the other one is moving. If it takes too long for the first robot to move (over a minute) then the other prompts one of those two errors:
If i change the order in which the robots are moving, then everything works on the first and the second (which previosuly was first) is getting the same error as the other one before. So the robots move as long as there is short enough intermission between commands. I've managed to work around the problem, by making the robot that is waiting perform slight moves in between the first robot moves. Then those two errors don't appear. 

There is one more error that appears when the program is running on the robot. I think that it appears on moves that the robot had perform before, but I am not entirely certain. If that's the case it means that the move itself isn't an issue. This one stops the robot and the program:
Here's a full log of running the program on robot. The error is at the end of it.

.txt   RoboDKLog.txt (Size: 22.62 KB / Downloads: 55)
There is also an error that doesn't stop the robot:
[WinError10038] an operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.

I've also made a post requesting adding the Astorino robot. I'd really appreaciate an answer on that to know wheter or not you'll be able to work on that in the nearest future.

I appreciate the help I have already received and I hope that this issue will be resolved as well.
Thank you for your feedback. I understand you are now able to properly connect to the Mitsubishi controller using the driver without issues and you simply had to close the operation panel on the teach pendant.

Also, I understand the new issues you see from your code are valid error/warning messages from RoboDK saying you can't perform certain movements with your robot. For example, the rotation axis when you move 180 deg is not defined. You should instead break down the movement into 2 steps (2 rotations of 90 deg for example).
Like i said in the previous message, this error shows only if the robot has to wait before i send a move command. The robot always starts from the same position and is ordered to do the same list of moves. If the robot A moves first then there's no issues (except for occasional UnicodeDecodeError - please, tell me what's the possible cause of that and how can I fix it, if it's on my side and not the driver's), but if the robot B moves first and after that the robot A moves it shows and error like the one with rotation. It doesn't show it when the robot A moves first, it only shows if robot A moves second - has to wait before performing a move. That's what's confusing to me. The robot can perform the move if it doesn't have to wait, but if it does it saddenly says that there's no existing path or there's rotation error.
Are you moving a robot to a target with respect to a coordinate system held by another robot? If so, the movement may be or may not be feasible depending on the moment you trigger the movement if the second robot is moving.
I don't think so. I have three targets assigned to one robot and three to the other. The robots never move at the same time. If I make the robots make one move at a time, meaning first performs one then the second performs one move and so on let's say up to ten moves each, it works fine, but if I make them perform ten moves at a time, meaning first robot performs ten moves and only after that the second one is to perform ten moves, the second one will pompt an error, either rotation or path error. The sequence of moves is the same in both examples, nothing is changed. I can only assume that somehow the time is involved. But for me this error is not as essential as the UnicodeDecode one.
We are updating RoboDK again this week to fix the Unicode issue you are bringing up.
We just updated RoboDK to the latest version (Windows only).

Can you try the Mistubishi driver again with the new version?
Everything seems to be working fine right now. Thank you very much for your help on every step of the way. I really appreciate it.

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