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Create a frame by graphic geometry selection

Hi RoboDK team,
I not sure this function exist but would it be possible to add a way to create a reference frame by clicking on 3d geometry features ?
The same way as the standard 3 points method : 
- Pick a corner of the part => set the origine
- Pick a point on one edge => set X vector
- Pick a point on the surface => set XY plane.

Maybe this function exist but I could not find it. 

It would be helpfull when importing a client 3d model part wich has a strange origine frame.

Or maybe there is a way to do it with a simple script ?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards.
You can create reference frames by clicking on 3D parts by selecting Program-Teach targets on surface.

Then you can select on Add Reference to create references in the 3D view.
Thanks Albert for your answer. I didn't know this feature. Thats really usefull !

I still think it would be a great addin if, in this same menu, we could add a reference frame by clicking 3 points : origin + X axis + plane. With this feature you are really close of that 😉
Thank you for your feedback. We'll take this into account for future improvements.

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