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Python API inconsistent behavior MoveL MoveC

Hi All,

When adding movement instructions to a program using the python API

program.MoveL(mat) where mat is of type robodk.robomath.Mat works


program.MoveC(mat1, mat2)

results in:  File "C:\RoboDK\Python-Embedded\lib\site-packages\robodk\", line 6021, in MoveC
    raise Exception("Adding a movement instruction to a program given joints or a pose is not supported. Use a target item instead, for example, add a target as with RDK.AddTarget(...) and set the pose or joints.")
Exception: Adding a movement instruction to a program given joints or a pose is not supported. Use a target item instead, for example, add a target as with RDK.AddTarget(...) and set the pose or joints.

Ideally I would like to able to add circular movement instructions without having to create a target beforehand as this slows down the program generation when dealing with large programs. Is there a reason that the behaviour of MoveL is different than MoveC
The latest version of RoboDK supports doing circular movements using joints and poses via the API.

Are you using the latest version of RoboDK? You can download it here:
Hi Albert,

Thank you for your reply. I am using 5.6.9. As far I can tell the python API does not have 5.7 release yet.
I will test again once it is available.
What surprised me was that it works for MoveL but not for MoveC, which is why I called it inconsistent behaviour.
I was referring to the latest version of RoboDK, not the Python API.

The Python API side should already support MoveC with any type of target, pose or joints.
Hi Albert,
I am using RoboDK 5.7
Using the python API adding a linear motion with a pose works however with a circular motion it does not.
See robolink function below, as the type is Mat the error is raised.

    def MoveC(self, target1: Union['Item', List[float], robomath.Mat], target2: Union['Item', List[float], robomath.Mat], blocking: bool = True):
        """Move a robot to a specific target ("Move Circular" mode). By default, this procedure waits (blocks) until the robot finishes the movement.

        :param target1: pose along the cicle movement
        :type target1: :class:`~robodk.robomath.Mat`, list of joints or :class:`.Item`
        :param target2: final circle target
        :type target2: :class:`~robodk.robomath.Mat`, list of joints or :class:`.Item`
        :param blocking: True if the instruction should wait until the robot finished the movement (default=True)
        :type blocking: bool

        .. seealso:: :func:`~robodk.robolink.Item.MoveL`, :func:`~robodk.robolink.Item.MoveC`, :func:`~robodk.robolink.Item.SearchL`, :func:`~robodk.robolink.Robolink.AddTarget`
        if self.type == ITEM_TYPE_PROGRAM:
            if type(target1) != Item or type(target2) != Item:
                raise Exception("Adding a movement instruction to a program given joints or a pose is not supported. Use a target item instead, for example, add a target as with RDK.AddTarget(...) and set the pose or joints.")
            self.addMoveC(target1, target2)

  , target2, self, blocking)
OK I didn't realize you were referring to program items instead of robot items. This is currently not supported.

I'm moving this thread to the request new features section.

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